Saturday, June 25, 2011

Days 134-145...Grateful for the Last 12 Days...

So...obviously I haven't sat down to blog...but I have still been grateful! Here are just some of the things I've been grateful for lately...notice there are more than 12... :)

  1. Summer...and the summer schedule!
  2. The womens' Bible study that we joined at my new church!
  3. My school...for letting me use the computer in my classroom throughout the day every day.
  4. The full day of training, that I dreaded, for my two week training in Tyler later in July. I made a new friend in a girl that will be going to the July training as well and I feel extremely more comfortable in the challenge that this new class will bring!
  5. A safe trip to Chicago.
  6. Katy...for making some great suggestions as to places to visit.
  7. The best tour guide on the double decker bus...we actually got off the bus at one point...and two hours later, when we got back on, we ended up on the same bus. Random! Billy was great!
  8. Fun safe time at the Cubs game...great family that sat next to us and entertained us most of the night.
  9. Safe travels back to Dallas.
  10. A friend's encouragement and prayer and finding an apartment.
  11. Fun, laughter-filled time at Bible Study.
  12. Laughter and fun times with friends at a Rangers game.
  13. Tina...who helped me figure out my school's website...when no one else really helped.
  14. Fun times and laughter at softball.
  15. Shade and a breeze at the Rangers game today (even though they lost TERRIBLY).
  16. Summer...and the summer schedule. (think I already said that once)
I'm definitely grateful for my full, busy, and challenging schedule! Love it!

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