Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Day 92 and 93...Grateful for Rest and Sick Days...

I was feeling a sinus infection coming on...not that it has become a true sinus infection...I have been super tired and a little stressed with three big deadlines coming up for things I'm kind  of in charge of...or at least super busy with.

Well, driving to school yesterday I figured out that to have a break...I would need to take today off...otherwise it wouldn't be until after school is out. (which I'll take that break as well!).

So I got home from work yesterday and went to bed for a couple of hours...woke up still all sinus-y...ate a little bit and went back to bed.

It was so great to get up without an alarm...make breakfast...and have my coffee while watching Regis and Kelly. Great day of rest...thanks to a sick day!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you were sick, but glad you were able to stay home and get better! There is nothing like waking up to some Regis and Kelly!! :)
