Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 49...Grateful for my Students...

So today, the first day back from Spring Break is usually full of tired kids...and tired teachers. Instead, we started off the morning with a staff meeting to tell us that 10% of our teachers will have to be let go. That's about 10-12 teachers. So...keep praying!

Then I went to class.
My students are going to start a new project in Flash...if you don't know what that's animation. So fun for the ones that really get it...a real beating for those that don't!
So today I decided to just review everything we had done before the break to refresh them before they started their project.

I let them come up with the ideas of what we would animate and create.
Here is how the dialog went...
Me: We need to come up with something that will roll onto the screen...
   4th Period: "A Bagel"  (random...)
   5th Period: "A Chocolate Chip Cookie" (okay...seeing a theme here...)
   7th Period: "A Hula Hoop" (random again...)

Me: Okay, now we need it to roll into something.
   4th Period: "A glass of milk" "A tub of cream cheese" And one student had hers fly in from the top and land on a plate
   5th Period: "A glass of milk" (typical)
   7th Period: "Down a hill and into a tree" (they like a challenge)

I do have to say it was a little awkward when our Dean of Students walks into class as we are laughing about how bad my glass of milk looked on the screen. "I promise they really are learning something beneficial!!!" :)

They made me laugh and made the first day back a joy.
Grateful for those kids today!

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