Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 59...Grateful for the Day to be OVER...

Today was long..
Today was emotional...
Today was long..
Today was hard...
Oh man...but I will still be teaching at Vines next year.

5:30... Boot Camp
7:30... Quiet Time
8:15... Leave for School
8:45...Drama in Athletics
9:50...Bell for 2nd period...but still dealing with drama
12:00...Realize how hard the next 9 weeks will be
5:15...Training for Head for the Cure Volunteer Coordinator (what??? something else...)
6:30...Perspectives (amazing!)
9:30..Back at home...

Long day.
And all I can say at the end of the day is praise the Lord. I have a job tomorrow. I have a job next year. No matter how hard it is...I know that's where the Lord wants me for now.
So...I'm grateful the day is OVER!!!

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